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TakeWith: Todo list, Task list, Reminder





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Sholohova st. Dnepropetrovsk 49000 Украина

TakeWith: Todo list, Task list, Reminder(圖1)-速報App

TakeWith - helps you to control your tasks, note ideas, make schedules, share tasks with family or friends. Special features will remind you to take some stuff, which needed for some tasks or places. Manage your tasks easily.


- Flexible Daily Planner

- Sub task list for each task

TakeWith: Todo list, Task list, Reminder(圖2)-速報App

- Special screen for noting your Ideas

- Calendar to quick managing your tasks

- Showing tasks from Google calendar

- Multiple level categories

TakeWith: Todo list, Task list, Reminder(圖3)-速報App

- Sharing of Categories for other people

- Reminding about places when you near it

- Ability to set Repeat rules and Duration

- Attaching Things to Tasks and Places

TakeWith: Todo list, Task list, Reminder(圖4)-速報App

- Attaching Places to Tasks

- History of changes of Categories, Tasks, Places, Things

- Analytics of completed tasks

- Adding Tasks by voice

TakeWith: Todo list, Task list, Reminder(圖5)-速報App

- 10+ unique designs

- Security by Graphic Key or Fingerprint

- Real Time data synchronization between devices

Other Features:

TakeWith: Todo list, Task list, Reminder(圖6)-速報App

- User Guide to help you get started;

- Energy efficiency of your phone due to minimal use of battery power;

Recommend to disable Battery saving option in device settings or go to App -> Settings -> Battery optimization switch.

Help to develop the application further. Share information about it with friends on social networks.

TakeWith: Todo list, Task list, Reminder(圖7)-速報App

Facebook: facebook.com/makeev.apps

Send us your suggestions and comments on support@takewithapp.com

TakeWith: Todo list, Task list, Reminder(圖8)-速報App